
Seasonal affective disorder and winter fatigue: what you should know NBC New York [Video]

It’s cold out. The days are shorter and you are more tired than usual.

If you are feeling extra sleepy and fatigued during the winter months, you are not alone.

One of the reasons that winter tiredness or winter fatigue occurs is because of the seasonal shifts that affects our circadian rhythm: when it’s dark out your body produces more of the sleep-inducing hormone, known as melatonin, which in turn, leads to tiredness.

Why am I more tired than usual during the winter months?

Dr. J. Ryan Fuller, clinical psychologist and executive coach at New York Behavioral Health, said that there are a variety of reasons that on their own, or combined, can cause low energy particularly during the winter months.

“A lot of it has to do with during the winter months and this hemisphere, obviously there are shorter days, so people get less sunlight exposure,” Fuller said. “That can impact things like vitamin D — people can become deficient. It also …

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