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Today I’m joined by a near-decades-old friend Robert Hunt as we get to know him and the why behind his new book Nobody Cares until You do. Robert is the owner of several CEO Groups in DFW and a BOD member of the DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast. He thrives by helping clients be the best version of themselves, and is an executive coach, Christ follower, and author. He is a gracious giver and a walk-the-talk leader.
Growing the Next Version of You w/Mike Rochelle is LeadershipN’s, my online educational platform, long-format talk show designed to highlight great leaders and the lost art of dialogue and community building. Its sister program Growing Solutions is the Mike Rochelle and Associates, LLC VLOG focused on business technology and management consulting solutions for Mid to Large firms. These channels celebrate our Human & Digital Transformation solutions as we believe that transformation is first and foremost a human, People, endeavor. Technology and Process Digital Transformations fail as much as 70% of the time, and we believe that we can improve your odds of successful transformation by bringing you solutions that help people Learn, Change and Grow together as they define Blue Ocean strategies, systems, and process changes that ad value AND lower costs – successful Human and Digital Transformation!
Joyfully Yours, Mike
💥 I am Mike.
🔺Helping You and your teams grow through Human Transformation Consulting and Experiences
🔺Providing Digital Transformation Solutions in Business Intelligence, Cloud and Mobile systems development, integration, and maintenance with a team of Associates
🔺Growing You (long format) & Growing Solutions (short format) on Youtube and Spotify
Mike Rochelle
Mike Rochelle and Associates, LLC.
Founder / Chief Learning Officer
Connect with me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mike-rochelle-mba-33a192
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