
Reprogram Your Leadership Style by Understanding and Adopting Emotional Intelligence [Video]

Reprogram Your Leadership Style by Understanding and Adopting Emotional Intelligence

Episode 127 – Emotional Intelligence – Trivial or missing piece to your success?

Since the pandemic, employees with poor manager relationships are more disengaged than ever, and employees will and do leave the companies to get away from their managers. The last thing an organization wants to be dealing with right now or ever is attrition. High employee turnover is costly in the best of times. Right now, organizations are focused on streamlining operations which directly impacts profitability.

🛎 In this episode, Executive Leadership Expert, Markus Neukom puts a spotlight on essential Emotional Intelligence insights that can ignite emotional intelligence and improve communication, management, problem-solving, and relationships within the workplace.

About Markus
Markus Neukom is an inspiring and result-driven Leadership Executive Coach, business strategist, and CEO of Markus Neukom International, with extensive experience as a senior executive. He guides individuals, around the world, to achieve their full potential. He has spent more than two decades working with managers, directors, and C-suite leaders who find it challenging to perform or progress in the workplace.

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Author, Speaker, Facilitator and Coach, Marc Haine, will help your teams ignite their passions. Working with him, you’ll be able to support your leaders to recentre their focus and drive continuous improvement through connected and engaged employees. You will realize your competitive advantage with a connected purpose and consistency of customer experience across your brand.

Tap into Marc’s 35 years of operational excellence experience and imagine a world in which the majority of us put more love and care in being of service.
Dare to be the exception™
+1 (780) 729-4932


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