
Banks Are Crashing As They Take Money From Employees [Video]

The economic ninja talks about how Banks Are Crashing As They Take Money From EmployeesHere is a link to my Real Estate channel please subscribe: links:If you want to learn how to make more money on the side or how to start a business from nothing then here is a link to my course on how to start a side hustle and to get 50% off use code HALFOFF: How To Trade Micro Futures (50% Discount Code) from my friend Joe: money swing trading stocks here is a link: Water Filtration Company the Ninja has used for 10 years: you want info about storable emergency food for emergencies or a food shortage check this out: is the link to some good Silver and Gold deals ready for delivery: you need Gold & Silver Storage check out One Gold Developed By Eric Sprott and APMEX: Out Vaulted For Buying And Storing Allocated Gold At The Royal Canadian Mint: my favorite way to store Crypto:’s connect:Rumble:$/invite/ABEsXpEBwRc6FEbyBPk86Z5vnJpR7QrHTelegram- Chat Ninja Nation: – – Economic NinjaDISCLAIMER: EVENTHOUGH I TALK ABOUT CURRENCIES, CRYPTOCURRENCIES, TOKENS, PRECIOUS METALS, AND OTHER “MARKETS”. I WANT TO STATE THAT I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER. THESE VIDEOS ARE BASED UPON MY OPINION ONLY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN TRADING AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIESDISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I only express my opinion based on my experience. Your experience may be different. These videos are for educational and inspirational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. There is no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion. We recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we make if you decide to use their services. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.


Things to Consider When Starting a Business [Video]

Entrepreneurs tend to complicate things too much when they’re just starting out a business. These are some of the main aspects I focus on when I start a new venture. 😎#thedavidrivero #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurlife #startupentrepreneur #businessstrategy #entrepreneurship #businesstips #businessowner #leadership #innovation


Jesse Ross – Movie Title – Morning Minute [Video]

Jesse is a international professional speaker, executive coach, and author, who helps people grow to their full potential through trainings, workshops, and keynotes.. With over 15 years of entrepreneurial experience in the education, nonprofit, and business industries, Jesse is on a mission to help professionals create a life that they can look back at 20 years from now and be proud. Today, Jesse offers a variety of programs and services – from private coaching, corporate training, workshops, and keynote speeches. To contact Jesse, please visit:Website: http://mrjesseross.comInstagram: contact@mrjesseross.comPhone: (612) -598-7236


One World in a New World with Limor Bergman – Mentor, Executive Coach [Video]

One World in a New World with Limor Bergman – Mentor, Executive CoachLimor is a woman in leadership in the tech industry, with a strong background in diversity and inclusion in her field. She admits that she was a rather obedient girl growing up, just wanting to be accepted by others her age. She also speaks to the beginning of her quest to connect deeper with life in her mid-40s.Questioning where she was at in her professional career, she shares her journey of discovery. You’ll find it heart-warming and perhaps similar to your own. Making a living just wasn’t good enough. She relates that ‘coincidentally’ she was approached to mentor engineering managers, which offered only experience with no pay at the time.Mentorship took her to a new level, with feedback offering that she was really good at it. Eventually she made a career out of it, moving out of her Director of Engineering position. What would it be like to be a Director of Engineering in such a male-dominated field. You’ll find her journey so synchronistic, beyond her awareness at the time.Given the skillset, passion and ability to perform, when faced with an open door of possibility, what would you do? Limor cites having a few good ears is certainly helpful. The emerging direction she shares offers a tremendous amount of insight. The discussion moves to the challenge of balancing the internal and external worlds. You’ll love it.How do you combine or integrate your passions, skillset and purpose for life and work? Limor’s process and cohesion in her expression will take you through some wonderful twists and turns. The many steps to success offer trials, tribulations and much learning. How is your experience in making decisions to impact your future? What are the feelings and thoughts the flow in the process? Are you able to acknowledge both in your journey? Is it rich in content or a little disconnected? How do you access flow? Listen in to how Limor discovered and recognized how to create it and embody it. It might work for you, too.We invite you to enjoy this conversation and its capacity to expand your awareness and perhaps your willingness to take a few new risks to explore your possibilities. The conversation is so insightful throughout and gets quite deep as it evolves into talking about catching signals. Thanks for being here.Connect with Limor:’s website: with Zen:’s One-Sheet:’s books: Peace Movement:


Wanna start a Business in USA in 2022 ? [Video]

In this video, We will discuss about Wanna start a Business in USA in 2022 ?Starting a business is a great way to earn money. There are lots of benefits to running your own company. For example, you can choose your hours and working conditions, decide who reports to you, and even determine your tax obligations. The downside is that starting a business requires significant time and effort. If you want to start a small business, you’ll need to research the legal requirements in your area. Then you’ll need to figure out whether you qualify for a loan. Finally, you’ll need to create a plan for financing your startup. Hey there welcome to the daytime dollar, where we talk about financial strategies and how small changes can make big improvements! If you are new here subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon.Today we will discuss how to start a business in the let’s get into it.In this video, we’re going to share with you everything you need to know in order to start a business in the USA in 2022.USA is a great place to start a business and there are a lot of opportunities available. In this video, we’re going to share with you all the information you need to make the decision to start a business in the USA in 2022. From the legal requirements to the economic opportunities, we’ll cover it all in this video. So make sure to watch it to get started on the right path in business in the USA in 2022!_______________________________________________#wannastartabusinessinusain2022#dobusinessinusa#howtostartabusinessinusa2022#daytimedollar#moneymanagement#moneysaving#moneymaking #business2023 #businessideas2023 _______________________________________________Subscribe to our channel for more videos_______________________________________________Channel Purpose:Learn the best ways to money management skills, online earning ideas, money saving tips, budget managing, fighting with inflation, financing strategies and much more that will make your life more professional and smarter.


How to Make Networking Less Awkward – with Covve [Video]

Covve is a personal CRM that can help you build a strong professional (and personal) network. Try Covve for free: (affiliate link). Get a 15% discount if you decide to buy: (affiliate link).Does networking for a job or your career feel awkward and transactional, especially when you’re recontacting someone? It doesn’t need to be that way. Find out how taking a few notes in my personal CRM of choice, Covve, can help take your networking from awkward and transactional to relationship-building. I’ve worked as a marketer and hiring manager at Fortune 100 companies, and I also got to see behind the curtain at a top 20 executive search firm where I was a senior recruiter. I’ve been on the coaching staff at the Harvard Business School for over 10 years, and I lead an executive coaching program for the corporate strategy group of a Fortune 100 company in Boston. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t when it comes to managing a career, and I want to share that insight with you. Follow me on LinkedIn: my blog: up for my newsletter: making 3 common mistakes with executive recruiters: there’s something you’d like to see covered in a video, let me know:© 2022 Career NarrativesDISCLAIMER: The information contained in this video and the resources available for download through are for educational and informational purposes only. The information contained in this video and on this channel is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, professional advice. While Doug Lester is a professional career and executive coach and the information provided in the videos on this channel and on the Career Narratives website relate to issues within his area of professionalism, the information contained in this video is not a substitute for advice from a professional — career, legal, financial, tax, medical, health or otherwise — who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. For the complete version of this disclaimer, please visit


Getting Found Online as a Creative [Video]

As you’re trying to grow your creative business you need to be found online. There is an ocean of content with strategies, frameworks, and tactics for digital marketing. It can be daunting. However, if you know the basics of how each platform works you are better positioned to choose the right digital marketing strategy for you. In this video I break down the three major platform categories you need to know in order to get found online as a creative. ……………………………………………………………….. Butler Branding is a full-service branding and marketing agency. Learn about our company, see our work or start a project on our website: Are you a CREATIVE ENTREPRENEUR looking to level up your agency? See our Agency Scaling website where we have courses and content JUST for you: ……………………………………………………………….. Don’t forget to follow us on the socials: FB: @butlerbranding (


10 Things You Must Know Before Joining REAL Broker! [Video]

➡️ Schedule a 1-on-1 REAL Broker Video Consultation with me here Broker offers its agent many great benefits that few other real estate companies do. However, there are some fine print to many of these benefits that you should be aware of before joining. That’s why today I am going over the 10 things you need to know before joining REAL Broker. ✅ Email me for an information packet about REAL OR to set up a 1-on-1 video call 📧✅ More Videos About REAL Broker, LLC✅ Ready to join now?Sign up here and if you put me, Malcolm Lawson, down as your sponsor when you sign up, you will have me officially in your upline and I will have a vested interest in your success! Let’s Connect:IG LawsonREAL Broker, LLC📞 C:410.443.8140📧🖥 https://www.LivingInMaryland.comReal Broker, LLC📞O:202-335-7325———————–Learn More About REAL Broker, LLC channel is all about showing Real Estate Agents how to use YouTube videos for lead generation, increase their lead conversion, and how to use video in their Real Estate businesses. ✅ FREE YOUTUBE COURSE FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS✅ Free Guide To YouTube Camera Gear Here✅ Free Guide To Recommended Video Programs & Apps✅Join the “Real Estate YouTube Mastermind” Facebook Group


Trade Marketing Magic Playbook Pt 2 – Brand & Digital | Ep. 149 w/ Matt Tyner [Video]

On today’s episode of the podcast, Chris Yano and MAX Service Group’s Matt Tyner discuss the art of branding, LSA, PPC, SEO, and what home services contractors should expect in 202300:00 Intro6:02 How did you get in the trades?12:33 From your prospective what is the most important thing these contractors HAVE to pay attention to in regards to brand?22:24 From your perspective what is the best way to manage these LSA practices for the best outcome?28:13 Do you have different strategies for mobile and desktop?33:23 What are your thoughts on how you would measure success with your paid ads?46:37 What do you guys look at to get the average cost per booked call?56:34 What are your thoughts on social media marketing?1:04:03 What are you talk about when you say show humanity?1:12:22 How do people get in contact with you?——instagram:——00:00 Intro6:02 How did you get in the trades?12:33 From your prospective what is the most important thing these contractors HAVE to pay attention to in regards to brand?22:24 From your perspective what is the best way to manage these LSA practices for the best outcome?28:13 Do you have different strategies for mobile and desktop?33:23 What are your thoughts on how you would measure success with your paid ads?46:37 What do you guys look at to get the average cost per booked call?56:34 What are your thoughts on social media marketing?1:04:03 What are you talk about when you say show humanity?1:12:22 How do people get in contact with you?——We are the PREMIER home services podcast! To The Point Home Services Podcast exists to help everyone in the trades learn how to grow and succeed with their business. Every Tuesday, host Chris Yano (CEO of RYNO Strategic Solutions) joins a special guest to talk about what’s hot in the industry, give FREE takeaways that you can implement in your business, chat about current industry trends and topics, and so much more! Featuring high-profile guests ranging from Ken Goodrich and Terry Nicholson to names like Mike Tyson, Roy Williams, and Jim Abrams, we have a lot of fun and deliver simple, clear advice that will help you grow. Whether you’re a new technician just starting their career or a veteran owner of a trades company, there’s something here for everyone! We discuss marketing strategies, new technology, financial planning advice, organizational excellence, and touch on many basic and advanced principles of business success that we hope will push you to the next level. From plumbing and HVAC to electrical, roofing, and more, we invite you to join us each week to hear from industry experts, laugh, and learn.NEW Episodes Every Tuesday!Subscribe for FREE! Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Google Podcasts: iHeart: FOLLOW US on all social channels!Instagram:——–Leave a comment with any suggestions/questions you would like us to cover BELOW!