Is visitor/customer hesitation, doubt, inertia or some other apprehension ruining all your marketing efforts. Looks like you’ll have to tackle this yourself and it can be a tough nut to crack. Time to get serious!
If your sales/bookings are stagnating and your conversion rates are very low, it means travelers are sitting on the fence. Why? It might be exhaustion, financial worries, boredom with destinations and experiences, or perhaps other life matters are preoccupying their attention. Or it could be your product pages, branding, offers, or the content experience flow. The point is, doubts crept in somewhere and you’ve lost them.
Given that changing traveler’s minds is never easy, you’ll want to delve into the reasons why your conversion rates are low, and start improving your agent’s success rate.
Travel agents generally refer to their booking and sales conversion rates in this fashion:
- Percentage of Leads Converted
- Travel agents commonly express conversion rates as a percentage:“We convert about 30% of inquiries into confirmed bookings.”
- Stages in the Sales Funnel
- Agents might …