
Online Lead Conversion Just Got A Lot Harder [Video]

Online Lead Conversion Just Got A Lot Harder

As tech gets smarter, online lead gen platforms face more restrictions, and consumers get less tolerant of marketing, agents are faced with a sharp decline in their lead conversion.

The barriers between us and the consumer’s inboxes are higher and more numerous than ever before, so how do we still convert leads at a high level?

In this episode, we talk about a problem all agents are facing in their lead generation efforts and how to work around it.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  

-How to remove the barriers to the inbox
If people treat a text from an unsaved number as spam, how can we work around it?

-Why we can’t hide behind technology anymore
Is the answer to better lead conversion as simple as a new text script?

-The database of the future
Why should our focus be on deepening our relationships instead of going wide?

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