
New book featuring series of interviews with former Foyle MP Mark Durkan to be launched [Video]

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The John and Pat Hume Foundation, Royal Irish Academy and Graham Spencer are hosting a book launch of ‘The SDLP, Politics and Peace – The Mark Durkan Interviews’ by Graham Spencer Emeritus Professor of Social and Political Conflict, University of Portsmouth in Derry on Wednesday.

Professor Graham Spencer said: “This new volume of interviews with former SDLP leader Mark Durkan provides a compelling and informative account of how the peace process in Northern Ireland developed, how the Good Friday Agreement was reached and the many problems that beset power-sharing thereafter.

“Addressing issues such as informal, back channel contacts, the role and value of the Hume-Adams and SDLP-Sinn Fein dialogues, decommissioning, unionism, the dynamic of talks and negotiations and what the future of Ireland North and South will need to confront if the full benefits of stability and peace are to be made available to all, this testimony is a must-read …