
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. [Video]

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Many people with disabilities are hesitant about starting a business, but with so much turnover in the workforce recently, there’s never been a better time and you shouldn’t be afraid to try. How do you get started down the right path?

Tom Jenkins was born with cerebral palsy, but he hasn’t let that stop him. In fact, he’s been a successful business owner for more than 10 years writing marketing content and copy that helps companies double their website traffic and rank at the top of the Google search results. He’s also an advocate for others with developmental disabilities who want to start a business. []

Today Tom will join us to offer 5 tips for those with developmental disabilities who want to become business owners:

  1. Don’t hide behind your disability. Be open and honest about your disability. It’s very much a part of who you are. In fact, …

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