
Managing Business Branding [Video]

Managing Business Branding

To access your business branding settings:

1. Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner. Then, click on Settings.

2. From the column on the left, click on Branding underneath Business Settings.

Custom Domain

This section allows you to enter the custom domain you want to use for white-labeling your dashboard for sub-accounts.

To change the URL, click Edit. When you finish entering your domain, click Save.

Note โ€“ After entering a new domain, it will take a short period to process. The default domain will remain in bold, while your new domain will appear next to it in parentheses. After our system updates to the new domain, it will appear as the sole URL in bolded text.

You will then need to update your DNS records with your registrar. You can find specific instructions on how to set up a custom domain with your specific registrar by finding the appropriate help article in our help center.

Platform Branding

The lower section allows you to customize your white-labeled dashboard will appear to your team and to sub-accounts.


To upload a logo, click Edit on the far right. A window will appear prompting you to upload the file you wish to use for your logo. It will then appear in this section after the upload. Click Save.

Your logo will appear in the top-left corner of your dashboard.


Your favicon is the small image that appears next to your URL in a web browser. Click Edit to upload your favicon image file in a similar way to the instructions above. Then, click Save.

Login Image

This section allows you to upload an image or GIF that your team and sub-accounts will see whenever they visit the login screen.

Click Edit to open a menu where you can upload and crop the image as necessary. Then, click Save.

Hide App Icons

This is an optional toggle that allows you to hide the floating app icons that appear on the login screen. This is ideal if you prefer to have your custom login image unobscured in any way. Toggle on to keep the floating app icons and toggle off to remove them.

Primary Color

The primary color is the color that spans the top of the page. Be sure to select a color that effectively complements the colors in your logo. This color is also used in outbound email messaging. The selected color will appear in a preview to the left of the Edit button.

Secondary Color

The secondary color will reflect on several buttons and elements throughout the dashboard. It also will color the selected tab wherever applicable. Once again, a preview of the selected color will always be visible to the left of the Edit button.

Text Color

The text color will determine the color of text within buttons and various other elements throughout the dashboard. Make sure that your text color complements the secondary color to guarantee maximum readability. Refer to the image above to see how our text color pops out from the chosen secondary color.


Finally, you can enter the email you wish to use for white-label purposes. Click Edit to enter your email of choice. Then, click Save.

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