Coaches + Trainers

Knowing When To Let Go Of A Client [Video]

Knowing When To Let Go Of A Client #shorts

Knowing when to fire a client isn’t always clear-cut, but there are red flags to pay attention to. If a client’s values clash with yours or if their beliefs promote divisiveness, it may be time to part ways.

It’s essential to communicate openly with clients about your decision. Explain your stance and express your willingness to engage in dialogue. However, if they’re unwilling to respect your values, it’s best to part on amicable terms.

While parting ways with a client may be challenging, it’s essential to approach it with grace and professionalism. Wish them well on their journey and trust that both parties will find the right path moving forward.

What are your non-negotiable boundaries with clients? Share them below.

#shorts #boundaries #coaching

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