
Is High Bounce Rate Bad? Bounce rate Explained | Net Branding Limited [Video]

Is High Bounce Rate Bad? Bounce rate Explained | Net Branding Limited

Is High Bounce Rate Bad? Bounce rate Explained | Net Branding Limited

Website Bounce Rate: Should You Be Worried?
But let’s start with a question about website bounce rate;-

What is a bounce rate?
The term “bounce” refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing only one page or simply the percentage of visitors who leave your website without taking an action (e.g. filling in a form or clicking on a link).

Why do website visitors leave a website?
Visitors can leave a website for many reasons. For example, they may have seen what they wanted to see or may not have found what they were looking for, or perhaps if coming off a banner advertisement, they clicked on the link for interest, but they don’t currently have a buyer intention to interact or engage with your brand just at the moment.

Is High Bounce Rate Bad? Bounce rate Explained | Net Branding Limited

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