
HubSpot Integration Kick Off Webinar [VIDEO]

Join us for a live session to learn everything you need to know about Accelo’s integration with HubSpot!

Our latest integration with one of the world’s leading Marketing Automation platforms is here, and we’re excited to share it with you! Join CEO & Founder of Accelo, Geoff McQueen, on Wednesday, September 20th (or Thursday if you’re in Asia-Pac), for a kick off session on how to navigate the new HubSpot integration.

This new improvement gives marketing professionals the integration they need to manage their contacts from Lead to Revenue, all while keeping their data fresh in one automated place.

Please find a time that suits you best and register below!

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Advertising Champions with Paul Flowers of CIRCA 46 [Video]

On Advertising Champions, our host Tony Stanol interviews bright and engaging members of the digital advertising and media community. On this segment, Tony speaks with Paul Flowers of CIRCA 46. CIRCA 46 specializes in marketing products and services to the senior cohort. It is a subsidiary of Dallas-based Slingshot, LLC. What is your BEST service? []