What’s up everybody,
I wanted to create a video for all the people who have supported me and would like to know a little bit more about me, my background and how/why I started my business. If you are local here in San Diego and would like to support my business or even try how my food tastes, you can follow and order through my Instagram business page at All Dat Lumpia. I hope this video inspires someone to take that leap to starting their business and creates a new journey for them! I am also more than happy to support all other small businesses so please don’t hesitate to comment below your small business so I can show some love ❤️
✨Follow My Other Social Media Accounts: ✨
Instagram: Ashanterene (Personal Page)AllDatLumpia (Business Page)
TikTok: Ashanterene
YouTube: Ashanterene
Music By: 🎶
Briss Mula – Flashlight
Briss Mula: No Side (Unreleased song)
(Has music on all platforms)
YouTube: Briss Mula
Instagram: Briss Mula
Tags: #Business #HowToStartABusiness #nomoney #takealeapoffaith #supportlocal #supportsmallbusinesses #smallbusinessowner #lumpia #eggroll #alldatlumpia #heresmystory #staytuned #Followmystory #newandupcoming #Howtostartabusinesswithlittletonomoney