
How to Start a Business 10 [Video]

How to Start a Business 10

Starting Your Own Business – International Christian Chamber of Commerce
This workshop is designed to help entrepreneurs start and operate successful businesses. These courses teach students the basics of creating and managing a small business, based on biblical principles. Specially tailored for small groups, the program comprises 10, 90-minute sessions. The training videos are taught by key businessmen who are members of the ICCC from around the world. The sessions provide practical steps and tools that allow entrepreneurs to identify and convert business ideas into sustainable enterprises. Students are taught how to recognize real commercial needs they are able to meet, critically evaluate their business ideas, discover their market, formulate a strategic plan to design or produce a product or service, and gain a realistic understanding of all that is involved in starting and operating a business.
The International Christian Chamber of Commerce was founded 30 years ago to equip, grow, and encourage Christian business men and women to outwardly manifest their inward walk of faith through their companies and businesses. The ICCC desires to form a community of believers who bring the Kingdom of God to earth through their Holy Spirit-led work and careers. They are operating in 70 countries and bring support and training through business seminars and conferences to share truth and testimonies of God at work in the business world. At the heart of the ICCC is to extend God’s loving rule and care through His church and the work places of the world. Members are encouraged to seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness.

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