“This is going to be an amazing year if you choose it to be. This is going to be an amazing year if you start believing in yourself. This is going to be an amazing year if you start to have morning rituals, write things down, and start loving up on yourself.” – #ManifestivalPodcast
“How To Manifest Your Desires in 2023”
LISTEN NOW! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-manifest-your-desires-in-2023/id1652131585?i=1000592053071
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Driven by passion and a powerful calling to serve Mother Earth and humanity, Danette May inspires people around the world to step up into the true and full expression of themselves. Her coaching, products, and programs have transformed the lives of millions of people, allowing them to live their happiest and healthiest lives.
Danette is the Co-founder and CCO of Mindful Health LLC and Earth Echo Foods, best-selling author of The Rise and Embrace Abundance, founder of The Rise Movement, keynote speaker, high level executive coach, fitness and nutrition expert, entrepreneur, wife, and mother.
Website: https://danettemay.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedanettemay/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDanetteMay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanetteFitness
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/danettemay/
My Favorite Superfoods & Supplements: https://earthechofoods.com/yt
My Programs
Coaching programs: https://danettemay.com/offerings/coaching/
Relationship Challenge: https://danettemay.com/fbjoinmy21dayrelationshipchallenge
Booty Camp: http://danettemay.com/bootycamp
My Books: https://danettemay.com/offerings/books/
Events: https://danettemay.com/events/
#podcast #manifestival #manifestation #2023