
How to create a brand for yourself??? [In a saturated market] [Video]

How to create a brand for yourself??? [In a saturated market]

How to create a brand for yourself??? [In a saturated market]

How to create a brand for yourself in a saturated market. And this video, we’re going to talk a little bit about branding yourself, branding for actors,
branding your small business branding for artists, branding, film,
and a lot more branding, and branding stuff.

So I’m going to use an example in this video for branding as actors. So brand yourself if you are an actor. But again, remember, if you’re branding yourself as a filmmaker or a small business, the rules are the same. And I might even throw in a little example like that here and there. So forgive me, I might have to refer to my notes down here every once in a while.

Let’s get right into it. OK, so why is the brand important? One of the biggest things that people miss out on or don’t think about when they enter a new career, creative career, especially as actors, filmmakers,
small business owners, and artists, are they don’t consider that a brand is necessary.

They sort of or maybe they just don’t give it enough time. And think about actually what a brand is so that they can work that into their quote-unquote business point. Because most artists actually don’t even have a business plan starting out. They just kind of go for it. They want to be actors.

So they go out and they start auditioning and doing things without actually thinking about the implications of not having a brand as an actor. The same goes for small businesses and filmmakers. As I said, you go out and make a movie and you don’t brand your film.

That’s a problem because a brand is really the thing that creates stickiness in people’s minds when they think about you.

So in marketing, there are two terms. There’s outbound marketing. I mean, there are more than two terms, but for the sake of this argument, there’s outbound marketing and there’s inbound marketing, and an outbound marketing that’s like an ad, right?

So that’s when a company I’m sorry, inbound marketing is an ad because if you’re going about your day and you see an ad and you click on it,
you’re inbound to the company.

If we’re a company and we do outbound marketing, that means we’re going out and we’re reaching out to people. So when you have a brand as an actor, you can look at it as your inbound strategy, like the thing that creates stickiness inside of somebody’s head. When they think about you, what makes you stand out That’s your brand as an actor.

That’s your brand as a filmmaker and a brand as a small business. Why are they thinking about you?

And when you are in a saturated market where there’s a lot of competition, where there are other people gunning for roles, gunning for your business, gunning for the platforms to put their film on the distributor so I’m going to use an example the rules are the same.

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Daniel Brea is the founder and the CEO of Dream Reach Media, the world’s premiere content production & consulting company for working artists. He has reached over 500 Million people worldwide through his commercial campaigns for T-Mobile, Bazooka Joe, and other brands, his viral videos, documentary films (Escape From Room 18), and his long list of feature films and shorts.

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