
Halo Top Wants People to Dance Around and Eat Some Ice Cream [Video]

Halo Top is encouraging customers to stop “shoulding” themselves and enjoy a pint.

The light ice cream brand teamed up with Heat, Deloitte Digital’s agency, for the first time to produce a new campaign titled “Dance,” which takes Halo Top into a new era of body positivity branding.

The 30-second spot features a woman dancing unapologetically around her apartment to music by artist Mama Haze while she eats a pint of cookie dough Halo Top ice cream. Quotes with “should” statements, such as “I ‘should’ lose weight,” “I ‘should’ work out more” and “I ‘should’ eat more salads” appear on screen while the dancer continues to exude confidence in her figure.

“Our fans put a lot of pressure on themselves, and both men and women alike struggle with the ‘shoulds’ in their lives, especially around body image and food choices,” Shilpa Gadhok, senior brand manager at Halo Top said in a statement.

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