
Greater Napanee Pride starts inclusive business directory [Video]

Greater Napanee Pride has started a business directory to allows members of the LGBTQ+ community to not only support those businesses but also know they are safe spaces.

Tiffany Lloyd is vice chair of Greater Napanee Pride. She says the idea for starting a business directory came from 2slgbtqia+ community in the area.

“People were e-mailing us calling us asking which businesses in town were safe and they all had a different reason why they were asking, whether they were getting married whether they were a person looking for a safe place to buy clothing,” she says.

Businesses in Lennox and Addington can register on line at Greater Napanee Pride’s website buy agreeing to a pledge that includes language about inclusivity, respect, acceptance and diversity for workers, customers and the community at large.

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The business directory was established Friday and so far nine local businesses have signed up. Lloyd says …

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