
Find Your ‘WHY’ Before Starting A Business [Video]

Find Your ‘WHY’ Before Starting A Business

It is so important to find your ‘why’ before starting your online business. So watch this video first, then be sure to grab my free guide and learn my stupidly simple 5 step system to generate an online revenue stream ►►

Starting with your ‘why’, and how to find your ‘why’ is of paramount importance if you want to maintain drive, focus and growth in both your personal life and in business. Most businesses actually fail to get this right, in fact, they don’t even get close.

Your ‘why’ shouldn’t change. It should be applicable to everything you are involved in. But actually finding your ‘why’ and articulating this to others is harder than you might think.

In this video I reference work from Simon Sinek and relate this to anyone who wants to get clarity on why they do the thing they do. Here, you will learn:

1. The importance of starting with ‘why’.
2. Why so many people get this wrong.
3. What you can do to get yours right.

I would strongly encourage you to follow the recommendations in this video to get crystal clear on your ‘why’. As it will help shape your actions in everything you choose to place focus and effort.

Enjoy the process, no matter the outcome.

– Tim

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