
Festive Everyday Biscuit Branding : Foxs Burtons [Video]

Fox’s Burton’s is taking a more everyday approach to festive branding this year by incorporating seasonal touches onto a wide range of existing products to help make even the smallest everyday moment into an occasion.

The branding puts holiday imagery in the spotlight across a wide range of products from Fox’s Burton’s Companies (FBC) that’s meant to catch the eye of shoppers in the stores this season across the UK. The limited-edition packs will also help to elevate the profile of the products from simple to chic to help shoppers feel like their regular shopping is more of an occasion this time of year.

Trade Marketing Director at FBC UK Colin Taylor commented on the Fox’s Burton’s holiday branding saying, “Despite tough market conditions, last Christmas was a roaring success for the biscuits category and was a demonstration of how important the market is to seasonal sales. Retailers should maintain …

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The Business Branding Tips You Need [Video]

One strategy for setting your company apart from its rivals is establishing a brand name. It is how your clients recognise and communicate with your company. Your brand's power should be shown in everything, including customer service practices, promotional goods, clothes, geographic area, marketing materials, business cards, custom stickers from