Many entrepreneurs believe that good ideas are the bulk of the work when starting a business. Dave Will, CEO & Co-Founder at Propfuel, reveals that execution and dedication are what make good ideas successful. He discusses how the best ideas are evolved into even better ideas by finding the right product-market fit for your business.
Listen to Will’s inspiring story of changing his lifelong career path to start his own company and all of the hard work and challenges he overcame to become a successful entrepreneur.
~Ideas are not the bulk of the work. Everybody has good ideas, but the hard part is the execution and commitment to the idea.
~The greatest ideas are those that we set free to evolve by allowing input and making adjustments. Most original business plans develop over time into better plans.
~It is important to find the right product-market fit for your company. This means having a constant mindset of what is working and what needs to be changed, as well as being open to making changes to your product and/or market.
~“Luck is manufactured with persistence” – David did not get where he was today by chance; he built his business through time and effort.
~Negotiation is key when making business deals, especially when selling a business. Know your company’s worth, decline the first offer, and do not settle for less.
~It is not easy to veer from a set career path, but sometimes it is necessary. Figure out what you want out of your professional life and embrace it with passion.
~Podcast: EO 360°: A podcast by the Entrepreneurs’ Organization on Apple Podcasts
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