
Ever wondered how to start a business? Here are the 9 things you need to consider [Video]

Ever wondered how to start a business? Here are the 9 things you need to consider


00:00 Intro
01:31 Choose the product or service
01:57 Choose the business name
02:12 Build your brand
02:28 Figuring out where to sell your products or services
02:49 Finding customers
03:12 Getting repeat business
03:30 Growing your business
03:48 Keeping your business profitable
04:12 Plan for taxes
04:30 How much does it cost to start a business?
05:29 My own example of starting a business
06:53 Final thoughts

Starting a business is one of the most rewarding ventures anyone can undertake. I firmly believe that anyone has the ability to start a business and use it to achieve their own version of financial freedom.

However, starting a business can be scary. Many people forgo this opportunity because they are unsure of the steps or processes they must take to start a profitable business.

In my past experience working with business owners and entrepreneurs across the UK and Ireland, I have helped launch and grow thousands of online and offline businesses. Many of these businesses started in the back bedroom and their owners worked on them in the evenings and weekends. A large number of these businesses have then replaced the owners’ working income and have become their full-time businesses.

In this video, I aim to break down the steps you need to take to start your own business. I’ll also give you a nod to the challenges you might face and some actionable tips on overcoming them. Let’s remove the mystery and fear behind starting a business and let you get to it.

After reading the article, if you want help starting your own business, you can check out my business coaching services. I offer a small number of sessions per month to aspiring business owners who want to plan out their businesses and take action.

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