
Entrepreneurship 101: Starting A Business | Follow Your Passions Or Talents? [Video]

Entrepreneurship 101: Starting A Business | Follow Your Passions Or Talents?

When starting a business people tend to go with something they feel strongly about, something they like rather than something they are good at and there are good reasons for doing this. For one you are less likely to quit something you enjoy and will probably work harder on it.

But in practice what I have seen is that it is better to choose something you are already good at rather than something you love. Plus if you are good at something you either already like it or will probably like it in the near future as you become more successful and start getting praise from your customers and team.

It is obviously better to choose something you love and are good at but if you have to choose between the two you will probably be happier and more successful choosing the latter. This may seem counter intuitive to say but in my experience it is what I have seen.

Let’s put it this way, how happy will you be with a business you love that is not doing well year after year because you are not as skilled or experienced as your competitors? How happy will you be with a business that is draining your savings? Or having to spend so much time on it because it takes you longer to achieve the business objectives than it takes your competitors?

On the other hand, if you choose a business in a field that you are skilled in and you are being praised by your customers. Your business is flourishing. You are making good money. You will probably start to like the business but even if you don’t, you will sleep better at night.

If you are a good accountant who loves pizza then offer accounting services and eat pizza. You don’t have to open a pizza place.

So if you are lucky enough to be good at something you love go for it. But if you have to choose between your passion and your talent. Choose your talent.

#Entrepreneurship #Business #Startingabusiness #Startup

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