
Enabling the Autonomous Digital Enterprise with BMC Digital Business Automation [Video]

Enabling the Autonomous Digital Enterprise with BMC Digital Business Automation

exciting Webinar based session around BMC Software’s Strategy on how to enable organizations to adopt the latest and greatest to gear towards being an Autonomous Digital Enterprise with Digital Business Automation.

The session will address the core objectives of BMC Software’s towards its customers and enabling them to be world class digitally transformed enterprises.

Since its inception in December 2020, BMC Software’s Control-M Helix is evolving exponentially and the session will cover details on what is to offer, along with detailed information on what is BMC Software’s Control-M’s pivotal and essential role around the DataOps and DevOps space within all kinds of enterprises regardless of the industry they belong to.

Please don’t forget to register and join us on the 5th of August, 2021 where both BMC Software & BlueTurtle will provide extensive session around BMC Software’s Digital Business Automation based on the following agenda.

• Blue Turtle & BMC Synergy
• Autonomous Digital Enterprise & Control-M
• Control-M Helix
• Control-M & DataOps
• Control-M & DevOps
• Success stories around FSI, Telco and Retail
• Innovation Roadmap

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