
Dr. Jonathan Randle shares Failure to Hope a motivational talk with AGC Minneapolis June 2022. [Video]

Dr. Jonathan Randle shares Failure to Hope a motivational talk with AGC Minneapolis June 2022.

Watch as Dr. Jonathan Randle shares Failure to Hope a motivational talk with AGC Minneapolis June 2022.

Jonathan Randle

Failure to Hope

A talk about how even through multiple failures, one can still have hope to become something greater than their failures.

1. Failures

2. Failure to Forgiveness

3. Forgiveness to Vision

4. Vision to Hope

Speaker Bio:
Jonathan Randle is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who has worked many years treating patients in a variety of Healthcare settings. Trained by some of the best coaches in the field, he is also a Certified Executive Coach, a Certified Sleep Coach, a Strengths-based Coach, and a Burnout Coach. As a survivor of burnout, his company Leaf and Feather Coaching LLC promotes well-being by helping professionals break free from the grip of burnout and fly in their careers.

AGC Accelerated Global Connections is a business networking organization that helps connect business professionals globally through in person networking, motivational talks, and online social profiles. To learn more about AGC and membership in this growing organization. Visit

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