
Desiree Anderson – Executive Coach – Mark Stephen Pooler [Video]

Desiree Anderson – Executive Coach – Mark Stephen Pooler

Desiree Anderson is a qualified executive coach and mentor. She worked in corporate as a successful HR consultant before qualifying as an Executive coach at the University of Bristol and setting up Crest Coaching & HR in 2020. She helps others find their purpose in life and work and specializes in business relationships and burnout.

Having experienced a variety of corporate environments both in the UK and abroad and having herself experienced burnout, she is passionate about helping customers ride the Crest of working life and reach their unique potential with wellbeing and happiness. She helps clients through one to one coaching, workshops and group coaching sessions. Her clients are entrepreneurs, business leaders and their teams as well as those in career transition.

She lives in Guildford and spends time with family walking in the forest near her home, doing yoga and immersing herself in her passion of lifelong learning.

Desiree Anderson
MD Crest Coaching & HR
Advanced Accredited Coach, Facilitator and Consultant


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