
DesignThinkers 2014 Branding by TAXI [Video]

Dave Watson reflects on the branding for DesignThinkers 2014.

What did taking on the DesignThinkers conference branding mean to you and your team at the time?

It meant a lot to myself and the overall team. When word started to spread at TAXI that we were going to take the project on, I received a lot of emails and texts from team members asking to be part of the team. Not only did we want to help the RGD put “bums in seats” but we wanted to create work that would shine TAXI in a very positive light within the design community.

Explain your concept and how you and your team got there? 

Our concept was inspired from the massive changes that were taking place in the design world at the time. Both society and technology were changing at a massive rate and (to a certain extent) we felt that there were some in the community that weren’t changing …

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