
Defamation and the Right to Freedom of Speech; The UK in Comparative Perspective, by Dr Mariette Jones. [Video]

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Thursday 12 December 2024Thursday 12 December 2024, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

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Through a comparative analysis of relevant law in the United States of America, Germany and the European Court of Human Rights, this book evaluates the success of the attempt by the UK Parliament to fundamentally transform English libel law through the Defamation Act 2013. It examines why it was deemed necessary to reform the common law of defamation in England and Wales, the changes wrought by the act, and the case law it has engendered. The book also takes a broad comparative look at the way in which other relevant jurisdictions attempt to balance reputational protection and free speech. It will be essential reading for those working in the areas of Human Rights Law and Media Law.

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