
Decode Ep4: Does real estate still need a retail shopfront? [Video]

In this episode of Hoole Decode, the team explores whether real estate agencies still need a physical office or high-street shopfront in an era where digital marketing is more powerful than ever.

This episode unpacks the ongoing debate around the necessity of maintaining a physical office space in real estate. With digital marketing offering broader reach and measurable returns, the conversation delves into whether high-street visibility still provides value or if agencies should shift their investments toward digital strategies.

The discussion includes cost comparisons, real-world case studies, and alternative branding approaches for staying relevant in a competitive market.

Key discussion points:

The cost of a high-street office

  • Rent alone in metropolitan areas can range from $60K to $80K per year, with additional expenses including staffing, utilities, signage, cleaning, and security.
  • Many agencies maintain these offices despite declining foot traffic.

Is it just a costly billboard?

  • 25 years ago, people visited real estate offices to check listings, but today, most people search online first.
  • A high-street shopfront functions more …

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