
Carmen’s Legacy Productions-Business Branding Portraits June-2021 [Video]

Carmen’s Legacy Productions-Business Branding Portraits June-2021

We offer a special session once a month, most months. See below for more information.
‘Headshots’ have traditionally been rather dull, flat images that have little personality. Ah, but Personal Branding photography and Business Portraits are about YOU, the Innovative Entrepreneur. Our followers want to know the ‘why’ behind our businesses, and they want to know about us.

“Headshots” is the term we are most familiar with, however, you’ll also see Personal Branding and/or Business Portraits. I believe the title Branding Storyteller Photographer is the most fitting for me. In any event, these are images (portraits) all about self-expression where we deliberately shape our images and persona to let the world know what we have to offer, how we are different, and WHY. Your images TELL YOUR STORY! Your STORY is how your ideal clients will find you.
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Obama Fundraiser Is a Registered Lobbyist [Video]

Andrew Stiles has the scoop at the Washington Free Beacon: Former Rep. Ron Klein (D-Fla.) is an active campaign bundler for President Obama, having raised between $200,000 and $500,000, according to campaign records. He is also a registered federal lobbyist. The revelation poses a challenge for President Obama, who has banned registered lobbyists from personally contributing