
Can you really start a Business With No Money? | How to Start a Business With Zero Investment? [Video]

Can you really start a Business With No Money? | How to Start a Business With Zero Investment?

Vendra Parashar has a virtual sit-down with CA Ankit Lilha, In this interview, they talk about his view on starting a business with No Mone

Connect with CA Ankit Lilha on youtube:

About the Guest:
CA Ankit Lilha is a chartered accountant by profession and a teacher by passion. He is the director of one of the most renowned institutes, Lilha Education Centre. If you are a commerce student, you might know already know him or have at least heard about him. He has been teaching in Varanasi for over a period of 10 years and running Lilha Education Centre successfully. He is truly an inspiration for all the entrepreneurs out there.

About Vendra Parashar:
Vendra is the founder of Vendramedia, A leading creative agency.

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Starting a business in a foreign country can be a daunting yet exciting experience. For expats and entrepreneurs, France offers a vibrant market, a rich cultural heritage, and numerous opportunities for business growth. However, navigating the legal, financial, and cultural landscape can be complex. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to help you build a thriving business in France, from understanding the local market to securing insurance.