
Build Your Business With The 5 Immovable Laws of Branding | Insights [Video]

As a profession and as a function, selling is slowly sinking like the Titanic. Today most products and services are bought, not sold. And branding greatly facilitates this process – Al & Laura Ries

This quote was written in 1998, and what a prediction it was! Branding shares a similar philosophy to inbound marketing in the sense that you're buying a product or service that is trustworthy.

If the buyer decision-making process is changing, how do you position yourself as an attractive prospect? By creating a desirable brand!

Your brand is the voice, the image and the personality of your organisation. Think of your favourite brand. How does it make you feel? Important? Happy? Warm?

It pre-sells your product to your customers, if they buy into your brand then they'll buy your product.

Key point

Nothing happens until somebody brands something.

What is a Brand?

A brand is a word, that's all. A noun. A thing. Marketing folk have all sorts …

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