
Branding & Marketing Introduction Workshop by AdJourney [Video]

Branding & Marketing Introduction Workshop by AdJourney

What’s in this video? About an hour – chock full of impactful content to change the way YOU think about branding and marketing. It also provides a basic framework for developing your very own brand core.
JumpStart•U is AdJourney’s podcast, newsletter (you’re reading it now) and YouTube channel. It started as a branding and marketing educational resource when AdJourney was focused on agency work for clients. The goal was to scratch the teaching itch on a more regular basis. It was a resource to spark creative dialog, stir new ideas and create more effective communication amongst those who engaged. Sure, it got us a few clients, but the goal for me – was to empower people with knowledge!
AdJourney pivoted. It is now where I leverage 25+ years of Branding & Marketing experience, combined with my wife Trish’s 25+ years helping people modify problem behaviors (that want to do the work), and together – we help YOU! Who? Why early-stage business founders of startups in incubators, accelerators, seed funds, etc. Those who are wearing way too many hats and feeling overwhelmed with each step forward – by the things they realize they DON’T know! We fast-track and level up your knowledge around effective branding, marketing and communication so you can launch your business with impact.
And JumpStart•U… it still exist, so we leverage the tool a bit differently. After we pivoted AdJourney in July to an edu-focused purpose, then JumpStart•U more perfectly lined up with what we are doing with the business. And what is that? Why serving as a place to educate, challenge, encourage and empower – you.
Brian & Trish Sykes

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