
Be BOLD Branding | Marketing Doesn’t Work [Video]

Be BOLD Branding | Marketing Doesn’t Work

“Marketing doesn’t work.” It’s a phrase that has been repeated by many frustrated marketers. The question is…why does this keep happening? In this episode, you’ll learn the difference between marketing and branding, as well as the 4 things that MUST fall in line in order to have a successful marketing campaign (regardless of your industry). Stop wasting money & spend your time wisely (with us) in this episode
Show Notes

0:27 Today we’re going to talk about one of our favorite subjects, it’s called marketing doesn’t work, we’re gonna learn a lot about why is not working and how to fix it, there are 4 things that I learned about why marketing doesn’t work

1:11 In order to be successful your marketing has to present the right message and image to the right people, at the right time, enough times

1:52 The difference between marketing and branding
– Marketing is simply putting a message and image out there to the world, to your prospects, using different marketing platforms or systems, it might be billboards, ads, postcards, you name it
– The message and image you put out there that is your brand

2:27 So let’s look at the 4 things that are necessary to make marketing work

1. (2:33) The right people, you need to know, who you are speaking to and then learn what it means to them, defying your ideal customers is what we called that
– We look at 4 different pieces of criteria when we help clients, It is called the HEAP formula
a. Pick customers that you can HELP
b. Put serious thoughts into people you ENJOY working with
c. Somebody that APPRECIATES the work that you do
d. The P is PROFITABLE, there’s nothing wrong with making PROFIT
– Those 4 criteria helped everybody that has ever been through our program to decide who their ideal customer is

2. (4:20) Message and image depend on 2 things
– First, your ideal customers, because you want to make sure that your message and image are trying to attract, making sense to those customers that you find through your HEAP criteria
– Second is, what sets you apart? both professionally and personally, if that appeals to the ideal customers then you got that magic formula

3. (5:37) Your advertising has to hit at the right time
– Timing is everything, being at the right place at the right time, if you’re marketing at the wrong time, you’re wasting your money
– An example, If you wanna rent bicycles you probably don’t wanna be in a New England Estate in the wintertime, because you’ll probably be wasting your money, so you gotta do it at the right time, if you take that same marketing and put it out through spring, now you are not wasting your money, so remember, it has to be the right time

4. (6:28) You wanna make sure you put your message and image out there enough times
– One great example, we had some clients who said, we sent a postcard to 10 thousand people, and we are not getting a response, we said, how many times? Just once
– The frequency is not there, we would rather that person send to a thousand different people 10 times because the results would be far far better
– You’re impacting a smaller amount of people more times
It takes about seven impressions before somebody begins to associate your name with what you do or what you stand for, the wow statistic is people give up at four

8:33 Recap
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