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In this episode of Automate That! Cody and Ernie break down a free ActiveCampaign automation recipe that moves a deal to the next stage when you mark the current task on the deal as complete.This automation helps you harness the power of sales automation within your CRM, moving your deals through your sales process, your sales outreach cadence, or through any other pipeline that you may have built out.You can use this automation to save time in your sales efforts — minimizing the time spent tediously moving deals from stage to stage, and removing the possibility of forgetfulness or human error completely!You can also use this automation to trigger other automation actions such as notifying another team member, adding an additional task for the next touchpoint, or sending an email to the contact.Get the “Move Deal to the Next Stage When Task is Completed” automation recipe here: https://www.activecampaign.com/marketplace/recipe/move-stage-when-task-is-completedRelated recipes:Calendly: Move Deal Stage Based on Appointment Set:https://www.activecampaign.com/marketplace/recipe/calendly-move-deal-stage-based-on-appointmentWon Deal Metrics Review Notification:https://www.activecampaign.com/marketplace/recipe/won-deal-metricsLost Deal Metrics Review Notification:https://www.activecampaign.com/marketplace/recipe/lost-deal-metricsAutomate That! is a segment from the ActiveCampaign live show, “Growth Decoded” — where we demystify the customer experience to grow your company — one topic at a time! Each episode of Automate That! highlights a single automation recipe from the ActiveCampaign Marketplace that you can import into your account for free, in just a few clicks. Visit the ActiveCampaign Marketplace: https://www.activecampaign.com/marketplace/To sign up for updates on future episodes and get exclusive content, visit:https://www.activecampaign.com/events/growth-decodedConnect with ActiveCampaign on social!LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/activecampaign-inc-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activecampaignFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/activecampaign/Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActiveCampaign#SalesAutomation #SalesCRM #MarketingAutomation
ActiveCampaign’s Customer Evangelist, Tim & Community Manager, Molly answer a question from the ActiveCampaign Community!A member of the AC community asks, “Has anyone used lead scores for direct-to-consumer? I’m confused about how I can apply this to my direct-to-consumer store. What I’m trying to do is score our purchasers in different segments and give them certain points.”To answer, Tim and Molly break down how you can use automated Lead Scoring to segment your contacts and customers, as well as prioritize your leads for follow-up and other communications — at all points in the customer lifecycle!This is a segment from our live show Growth Decoded, where we demystify the customer experience to grow your company — one topic at a time! To sign up for updates on future episodes and get exclusive content, visit:https://www.activecampaign.com/events/growth-decodedConnect with ActiveCampaign on social!LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/activecampaign-inc-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activecampaignFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/activecampaign/Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActiveCampaign#CustomerExperienceAutomation #GrowthDecoded #SalesCRM
Marketplan.io Review ❇️ Get Started for Free https://follw.me/marketplan or grab the 🤫 Sercret Lifetime Deal https://follw.me/marketplanltd. Don’t forget to subscribe for more lifetime deals, bonuses, discounts and launches https://follw.me/legitmarketingreviews.No.1 Income Method: https://follw.me/no1-recommendationJoin the Community: https://follw.me/communityBest Video Ranking Software: https://follw.me/videorankingInsane Funnel Software: https://follw.me/salesfunnelsRoyalty-Free Music: https://follw.me/music0:29 What is Marketplan.io? 1:40 Marketplan Features2:59 Marketplan.io Pricing4:00 Marketplan.io Lifetime Deal4:45 Dashboard7:10 Marketplan.io Tutorial8:13 Lead Magnet Funnel8:25 Sales Funnel Mapping 16:58 Online Course Funnel17:15 Tracking Sales and adding in Payment ProcessorsIf you are looking for a funnel mapping software that will allow you to piece together your marketing funnel with your team, then you’ll want to watch this Marketplan.io review video. Marketplan is a tool that allows you to quickly map out your marketing strategy, create projections, collaborate with your team, and share your plan with clients (using the white labeling feature).Inside of Marketplan.io, you can add in multiple traffic sources, add in various pages, add-in products, and email campaigns. Then once it’s all set to go, set it live and add tracking pixels and webhooks inside of your pages and watch your marketing analytics come alive. The best part is, they use lossless tracking so you can skip all the bots and fake inputs, and get the real statistics your funnel is actually making.I hope you enjoy this Marketplan.io review, if you did make sure you hit that thumbs up button and don’t forget to subscribe for more video reviews, bonuses, launches, and discounts https://follw.me/legitmarketingreviews.#marketplan #marketplanio #marketplanioreview #marketplaniodemo #marketplaniotutorialFollow me on SocialInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamphilwilsonFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamphilwilsonWebsite: https://legitmarketingreviews.comYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWhFyESLgIdgSRN8iBXdtQw*Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links posted in this video may be affiliate links. This means that if you purchase anything through the links listed in this video description, I may be compensated as a referral but this is at no extra cost to you, and in most cases will actually give you a discount. I thank you for supporting my channel and inspiring me to keep creating more content!