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When Should You Quit? [Video]
#shorts #career #adviceIs it true that winners never quit and quitters never win? This is a short cutdown from Procall #165Learn more about The Futur Pro Group here 👉 a deeper dive? Typography, Lettering, Sales & Marketing, Social Media and The Business of Design courses available here:👉Subscribe:👉See our Academy Channel:🎙 Futur Podcast:✍️ Futur Blog:—Love the content? Become a sustaining member for $5/mo today. – Essential Reading for Creative Professionals: Design Books: & Proposals: our website: https://www.thefutur.comFREE resources:—We love getting your letters. Send it here:The Futurc/o Chris Do1702 Olympic Blvd.Santa Monica, CA 90404USA—AFFILIATE LINKS*🙏 Support The Futur by purchasing through our affiliate links:Amazon: Supply Co.: Market: Cuts:✍️ Sharpen your skills by taking a course, using our affiliate links:School of Motion: Your Own Laptop Tutorials:🎧 Do you like the music? Check out the music libraries we use in our affiliate links below:Epidemic Sound:*By making a purchase through any of our affiliate links, we receive a very small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps us on our mission to provide quality education to you. Thank you.—Host: Chris DoProducer: Mark ContrerasCinematographers/Editors: Stewart Schuster, Ricky Lucas, Jona GarciaSocial Team: Elle Money, Alex BurluiFutur Theme Music: Adam Sanborne http://www.adamsanborne.comTypefaces: Futura, DIN, Helvetica Now, Calibre, Knockout, Champion Gothic
If I owned your business, I would do things differently. Hey, everyone, I’m Neil Patel, and today I’m going to break down what Neil Patel would do if he owned your business or website. Look, there’s six questions I would ask if I owned your business. These questions will open up new opportunities and make you grow your traffic and sales. So let’s dive right in. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________A Step-by-Step SEO Strategy For Beginners | Getting Traffic With Old and New Websites: Easiest Way to Get More SEO Traffic: number one, do you have a winning product or service? And here’s what I mean by this, no matter how good of a marketer you are or a business owner you are, if your product or service isn’t amazing, you’re not going to do well in the long run. And one way that you can see if you’re going in the right direction is by doing a NPS survey. So NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. It pretty much tells you how good you’re doing. The higher the number, the better. And what I would do is, as you’re doing this NPS, keep getting feedback. So if you have low scores and people aren’t satisfied with your product or service, ask them why, ask them what you can improve. Because, if overall in the long run, if you continue to improve your product and service and iterate it, you won’t have the best score right away from day one. But over time, as you improve it, what you’ll find is you will get way more word-of-mouth sales. The second question that I would ask is do you have a proven sales process in place? Look, I don’t care how good someone is at marketing, sales really does win at the end of the day. Even if your product is better or you’re first to market, if you suck at sales, you’re not spending enough time in that, you’re not going to do as well. The third question that I would ask is have you built a marketing funnel? Look, in marketing, costs have continually gone up. Marketing is no longer affordable. It keeps going higher and higher over time, and that’s not really going to change. But how do you make the numbers work with marketing continually going up in expenses? Whether it’s paid ads or SEO, you still got to pay for people, time, sometimes you have to pay for the ads spots, but marketing is going up. Well, the way you counteract this is by improving your conversion rate, and that’s things like testing your button color, or copy or images, and you should be doing that. The fourth question is, do you collect leads? I don’t care if you’re B2B, B2C, e-commerce, service, you need to collect leads. What I mean by a lead is at least collect the email address. If I have an e-commerce site, when someone leaves, I may offer them a coupon code, offer a discount if they put an email address.Fifth question is, is your website minimally optimized from a on-page perspective? Because, if you haven’t really optimized everything you need to fix that. So what I would do is head over to Ubersuggest and put in your URL. Once you put in your URL in the left-hand navigation, go to the Site Audit report. The site audit report will break everything down from the SEO standpoint and then they’ll show you your errors. It’ll show you even things like Google Core Vitals information, like load time, how well you’re doing, what you need to end up fixing. The sixth questions that you need to ask yourself before you’re getting organic traffic, what’s your traffic strategy to getting sales? The best approach is typically going to be the outbound sales, paid advertising, partnerships, affiliates. All those kinds of things work extremely well. So let’s say there’s these e-commerce development shops that are redoing people’s Shopify site or big commerce site. We’ll work with these dev shops because they’re like, hey, these guys have this traffic, they have this big e-commerce store. They need people to drive more traffic and fine tune it. So then we’ll partner up with these dev shops, And then, on the flip side, we may have customers that we’re driving a lot of traffic to. These e-commerce sites are getting bigger, and we’re just like, hey, your site’s a mess. You need to clean up your code. We recommend talking to that dev shop over there. So it’s a win-win situation. And if you follow those tactics that I just broke down in this video, or you just ask yourself these questions, you’ll find more opportunities for you to grow. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing
Every business owner should know how to remove a background from a photo, because that skill helps you make more engaging headshots, product photography, and more. That’s why today, we’re giving you a tutorial on how to remove image backgrounds with Canva & Photoshop!Subscribe: you want to change the background of your headshot, or do you have a plain product photo that you want to turn into a lifestyle image?No matter what the nature of your business is, knowing how to isolate specific elements from an image is a handy skill to have.That’s why today, we’ve decided to teach you how to do just that.In this post, we’re going to tackle how to remove background from your marketing photos.Video Outline Intro (0:00)Canva Tutorial (0:27)Traditional Photoshop Tutorial (1:05)Recent Photoshop Tutorial (2:35)// LYFE Marketing ➡ Check out our blog:➡ Learn more about our graphic design services:➡ We’re LYFE Marketing, a full-time digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help people grow online through various marketing channels. We help you de-code if advertising is the right fit for your growth trajectory, or see if organic growth is more of your speed. Regardless, our goal is to build a massive portfolio of success stories. So one day, we can look back and say that we made a difference in the world. This channel will provide you with good tips and suggestions for a large range of marketing topics. And we’re not holding back. But if you want a tailored strategy, then don’t hesitate to contact us on our website:
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Kathleen Fanning is an award winning executive coach and founder of She joins singer, author and broadcaster, Miriam O’Gara, on BUSINESS BLOCK, to share not only her journey but great tips on building resilience in business and life in general. SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE. Broadcast: 2nd August, 2021.
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Starting a cafe, a restaurant, or any business really? This is a good place to start. Chris and Jared dive in to the relation side of starting a business, and how it will be hard. but not for the reasons you might think.The Cat & Cloud Coffee Podcast:Chis Baca and Jared Truby, two of the founders of Cat & Cloud coffee share their insights of leadership and owning a small business, through the lens of the specialty coffee industry. It’s not just about whats in the cup, but the intention behind how it was put there. With new episodes weekly, listen in as there’s always little nuggets of wisdom. Where to listenApple Podcast: here on youtube! you want even more insights from Chris and Jared, consider becoming a member over on Patreon. each week get even more, as well as exclusive access to a likeminded community, with plenty of benefits to come. It’s just the price of a latte a month, and we think there is a lot of value in that. So check it out. The usual suspects. Instagram: & Cloud: hosts:Baca’s Blog: www.realchrisbaca.comJared on IG: www.jaredtruby.comYour editor:justphredWe are Cat & Cloud Coffee. Started by three friends trying to pursue their passions, with Integrity and intentionally, and it’s our mission to inspire connection, by creating memorable experiences. We’re a small independent business and this is our story.Enjoy!