How To Start A Business As A Single Mom – Be a Successful Entrepreneur as a Single Parent 2021
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How to start a business as a single mom, hello ladies, welcome to single moms make money. This is the place where you will gain knowledge on how to make money and provide information to help single mothers be successful. for regular updates, please hit the little cutie button and tap the bell icon for future videos.
Now let’s make some money ladies in your desire to create an entrepreneurial venture, are you stalking Google and Pinterest? desperation has set in now that you’re a single parent with so many obstacles to deal with, hasn’t it? You realize that the only way to stop scrounging and scraping by is to supplement your income with a side hustle, you’ve arrived at the stage where you’re looking for the finest ways to establish a business.
You hope that the extra cash will allow you to treat your children to a movie or a takeout supper now and again, things they were used to before you and your ex broke up. As a single mother, though, you are practical and realize that the odds are stacked against you. When it comes to starting a business. Your challenges are that you only have a high school diploma, lack business skills, have no experience with running a business and have no money to invest in the business.
You are not alone. So many moms want to quit their nine to five jobs and work from home to fit around their children’s needs. As much as you want to be a business owner, you fear that you may not fulfill that dream No worries. This video will show you how to grow the right mindset and harness your current skills to gain the confidence to start your own business. After all, starting a business isn’t cheap, and your savings are on, let’s say not quite sufficient for your goal.
That’s perfect because there are several financing options to help you start your business. As a matter of fact, certain funds are only available to female owned businesses. The US Small Business Administration, the US Small Business Administration, or the SBA, has been in existence since 1953. Their primary goals include helping Americans to start develop and maintain small businesses.
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