
NSW RFS Case Study | The Brand Pool [Video]

Everyone contributes to Bush Fire Risk Planning

Bush Fire Risk Planning is an integral part of the framework of coordinated bush fire risk assessment, mitigation and suppression in NSW. We need to encourage the community to have their say about what they care about most when it comes to community.

The name ‘Planning Together’ helps position the plans as connected to community, easy to understand and simply conveys the key principles of the BFRMP.

The planning process is now more accessible and inclusive of the community and therefore, together everyone can contribute to being more prepared and resilient.

The brand identity introduces a strong connection to country and environment with use of native bushland and grassland textures.

The typography is in line with the NSW RFS corporate branding and we introduced a red accent into the colour palette, as well as colour photography of the community and key stakeholders.

Next Generation Bush Fire Risk Planning rolls out from October 2021.

Awabakal CountryPO Box 1695Newcastle …

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