
Hachette UK Automated ID Case Study [Video]

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Application Modernisation

Hachette UK – the second largest book publishing company in its country – is required by the term of the UK copyright to retain legal and vendor agreements for the life of an author, plus 70 years. The company needed to have continuous access to those documents and it also wanted to replace manual paperwork and existing software that was limiting. Hachette UK sought technologies that could:

  • Reduce expensive, time-consuming and error-prone manual efforts
  • Accelerate digitalisation of paper records
  • Free up staff for value-add work
  • Offer a consistent and accessible user interface for all employees (compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
  • Make it easy for every employee to explore documents within a database for the entire organisation

Work with the Avanade team was great. I was really impressed with how quickly they got to know the terms of contracts and expressions used in our industry. There was so much demonstration throughout, and that we were able to test so frequently was …

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