
AI-Generated Search Results Are Taking Over Google In The U.S. [Video]

AI-Generated Search Results Are Taking Over Google In The U.S.

AI Overview is just a taste of what’s to come when it comes to AI’s impact on Google search.

There are two ways to adapt to Google’s new SERP layout:

👉 Optimize your content so it has a better chance of being visible in the AI Overview.
👉 Run paid ads since they are displayed above the AI overview (for now).

If paid ads are a path your business wants to take, you have to know how to market those ads to be profitable – this requires more than tweaks to your ad copy and creatives – it requires a paid ad strategy overhaul!

Join @Neil Patel on his next webinar on June 17th at 8 am PST if you want to be shown the exact strategy to take your paid ads from duds to studs, even in the AI-dominant Google search landscape 🙌

Just click the link below to save your seat! 💺

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Understanding Your 'Why': The Motivation Behind Starting A Business [Video]

When you start a project, do you stop to think about the reason?Your "why" should drive your motivation and keep you focused on your goals during difficult times. Knowing your "why" can help you create a clear vision for your business and make strategic decisions that align with your purpose.Learn more at: #TSPITR #SelfHelpBook