
Ep.33 ACT on Your Business. Guest Lee Chaix McDonough. Author, Therapist, Coach. North Carolina, USA [Video]

Ep.33 ACT on Your Business. Guest Lee Chaix McDonough. Author, Therapist, Coach. North Carolina, USA

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Connect with Lee Chaix McDonough:
Buy Lee’s book: Act on Your Business: Braving the storms of entrepreneurship and creating success through meaning, mindset, and mindfulness –

Intro Transcript:
A letter to the Intrepid entrepreneur:
I see you working hard all day every day to bring your dreams to life, to voting countless hours to build your business, spending way too much money on the right course, the right program, the right coach, anything that might streamline your path to your dream.
I see you posting on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram, appearing on guest blogs and podcasts, creating your content, sharing your story, perfecting your elevator pitch, working out the kinks in your about page, learning the ins and outs of copy that converts and sales pages that sell.
I see you doing all the right things, checking all the boxes, showing up, diving in, giving it your all and then some.
Your drive, your devotion, and your ambition are practically tangible. I see you plagued with self doubt, uncertain whether you have what it takes to make this entrepreneurial thing work.
mistakes, vacillating between a mindset of abundance and opportunity, and one of anxiety and self condemnation, desperately trying to brave the storms in your business and your life as the winds swirl and the rain pours.
I see you. I see you because I am you. I know all too well what it’s like to have a dream, a passion, a desire for something great.
When I began my coaching business, I wanted to change the world by connecting with mindful, energized, motivated people who wanted to love their work and their lives.
I saw myself serving people powerfully and changing lives. Then shortly after I began my vision clouded. These are just a few words in the letter to the intrepid entrepreneur from my guest today, former psychotherapist and social worker, now executive coach working with entrepreneurs, Lee Shea McDonough, author of Act on Your Business. This is a great conversation where we explore the intersection between therapy and coaching, entrepreneurship, and values leading the decisions that we make as entrepreneurs.
Once again, I love the conversation. I hope you do too. Thanks for listening.

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