
7 essential emotions for leading positive change are…Ep2 BVTV Trilogy with author Reiner Lomb [Video]

7 essential emotions for leading positive change are…Ep2 BVTV Trilogy with author Reiner Lomb
@BVTVNetwork host Malcolm Gallagher says; Welcome, to the BVTV Network coming to you from the UK studios of BizVision. I’m your host Malcolm Gallagher. This is episode 2 in the BVTV Aspire Trilogy with executive coach and author of the book Aspire. Hello again Reiner Lomb.
Reiner I said in episode one that I believe emotional skills are more important than technical skills in Today’s Leaders. I think you deliver that brilliantly with your ASPIRE leadership model. Can you briefly take us through the model and why the word Aspire?

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