
6 Essential Steps to Take Before Launching Your Employer Branding Campaign [Video]

Over the years, the concept of branding changed from spreading the word about a specific product manufactured by a certain company so as to encourage customers to buy it to a promise with a considerable value customers will receive through that product. Branding and this promised value, as a result, have then become the main pillars of any company’s reputation.

As we discussed before, every employee is a brand, well, a personal brand. Such a brand is represented by the employee’s unique skill set, strengths, abilities, mindsets and expertise which they earned throughout their personal and professional life. When people leverage these skills and abilities and define the values they can provide others with, whether those others happen to be customers or employers, they are actually branding themselves.

As it turns out, companies or employers, too, are brands and therefore, the action of promoting these brands is, yes, known as employer branding, which is not too far …

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