
3 simple steps to writing GREAT EMAILS using AI in 6 minutes [Video]

3 simple steps to writing GREAT EMAILS using AI in 6 minutes

AI is all the rage right now. After Open AI released ChatGPT in November of 2022, and since then there have been a ton of other AI generators released since.

But how do you actually utilize these tools to help with your marketing? Non of them are perfect, but if you approach the task of using AI to write copy for your emails – and ads, and landing pages, and blogs, etc. – you should follow these three steps tov making sure that you are creating content that is in your voice. This is essential to gaining and retaining customers. You need to go past just giving AI – whether that is CHatGPT or others – a simple prompt and just copy and pasting. This will result in a unnatural sounding piece of content.

We also discuss different ways to use various types of AI, and then focus in on ChatGPT and the ChatGPT powered ActiveCampaign AI – a feature within the ActiveCampaign platform that allows you to use AI directly within our email builder so you can get copy built FAST.

Then we give A BONUS tip that will change how you approach marketing using your own written content.

If you would like to learn more about ActiveCampaign AI and how AC is using AI across the platform, check out this blog (the one from the video!) written by our SVP of Product:

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#ai #emailwriting #emailmarketing #chatgpt #artificialintelligence #aiautomation #CustomerExperienceAutomation #EmailMarketing #MarketingAutomation #CRM #SalesCRM #EmailDeliverability #SalesSoftware #MarketingSoftware #Email #SalesAutomation #Newsletter #CustomerExperience
00:00 Introduction + recent history of AI
00:47 Top 3* uses for ChatGPT
01:20 Criticism of ChatGPT Written Content
01:46 FIVE main uses for ChatGPT
02:26 3 Tips for creating content using AI / ChatGPT
05:02 BONUS TIP: Using AI to rewrite your blog content

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