If you are wanting to take your business to the next level you have to start with your personal branding! Today I was honored to be joined by one of the best branding and marketing expert in the world, the kick ass girlboss Kate Gray.
Kate shed three tips you can action right now to elevate your personal brand.
Tip 1: Remember that your personal social media accounts are actually your business card! Some thing that stood out for me with a Kate said “perception is reality in the online world”
Tip 2:
Make an effort with your visual brand, trust me it makes a difference!
Tip 3:
No your brand archetype, Live it and visually represent it – loved this one!
This is obviously just a quick recap to get the most out of the steps watch the full interview. I’d love to know which of the tips you love the most and which ones you are going to try? Please comment below 💖💖💖
Also remember that Kate will be be speaking at the Empowered Summit brought to you by Future Females Foundation, Future Females & The Susana Kennedy taking place on Friday 6th August between 9am and 5pm (GMT +2/SAST)
Link in bio 💖