
Why Your Content Gets ZERO Attention and Traffic (Even When It’s Fully SEO-Optimized) [Video]

Are you tired of writing content that doesn’t get read? Well, who wouldn’t be? But, do you want to fix it? Of course you do and I’m going to teach you how. Today, I’m going to break down why your content gets zero attention and traffic, even when it’s fully SEO-optimized. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ahrefs: study by Ahrefs showed that 90.63% of content gets no traffic from Google. Think about that, that’s one out of 10 pages that are getting traffic, nine out of 10 pages are getting no traffic. That’s a lot of content that’s getting no traffic, and there are a few reasons why your content is getting noticed. And there’s a few reasons why your content isn’t getting noticed. So, let’s go into each of the reasons. Reason number one, you’re targeting only head terms and keywords, because if you only target those big popular terms, you’re not going to get that much traffic. Start targeting variations of these longer tail keywords as well. Great example of this is, how to get more followers on Instagram? How to get more Instagram followers? You see there? One was, how to get more Instagram followers? And one was, how to get more followers on Instagram? So, when you do variations of these, and you build up those topic clusters or content clusters, to support your overall authority around those bigger topics and head terms, you’re going to start ranking better, and that’s how you compete with the Wikipedias of the world. Now, reason number two, optimizing for search engines instead of visitors. Look, no matter how much time you spend optimizing your on-page SEO, even making sure your content contains all the keywords that you’re targeting, the long tail ones, the head terms, the variations of them, that just won’t work if your content doesn’t help people. So, even if you put together the best content piece around the iPhone 13, and teaching people how to use it and all the features, that doesn’t really mean you’re going to get any traffic to it. People are just really looking in most cases to just buy iPhone 13. Reason number three, you’re not doing contextual internal linking. When you write content in certain area, let’s say you’re blogging about marketing, chances are there are plenty of opportunities for you to internal link to other content piece on your website. Let’s say for example that I’m writing an article about social media marketing, and you also have another page on Instagram marketing. Now, if I had to fudge in Instagram marketing into my social media marketing article and it doesn’t really fit, then I wouldn’t do it, but you already know Instagram is social media, so it should fit.Reason four, your page doesn’t have enough backlinks. Backlinks are still one of the most important ranking signals and Google takes it into account when serving users with search results. It’s just like a presidential election, the more votes the president gets, the more likelier to win. The similar way happens with the web. The more backlinks the page has, the more organic traffic it gets from Google. You should focus on creating content that has the potential to naturally attract backlinks and keep working on your link building efforts over time. Reason five, your content isn’t evergreen. Not every content piece should be evergreen, but the majority of your content should be. If you’re going to write content that is only going to be relevant for a month in your new site, that’s fine, but if it’s a huge amount of effort to create that content, then why are you’re really wasting it? Focus on long-term results.Reason six, your page takes too long to load. It goes beyond just SEO, it goes all about experience. I don’t care how many backlinks do you have or how good your SEO is, as a user, if I search and I click on your site and it takes like 10 seconds to load, do you think I’m going to be sticking around? No, unless you have like some crazy deal and you’re selling me an Apple laptop that’s brand new with no defects for a hundred dollars, I’m not going to wait 10 seconds. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


How Much Time Should You Spend on SEO in Order to Rank #1? [Video]

A key to SEO is setting realistic expectations. If you want to rank at the top, you should know this. Today I’m going to break down how much time you should spend on SEO in order to rank number one.RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: Bar: you want to grow slow and steady, spend three to six hours doing research and creating content per week. Spend four hours in competitive research per month to identify new opportunities with keywords you are still not targeting, but that aren’t too competitive. I want you to spend another four hours optimizing for technical SEO per month. And you can do this through the Ubersuggest Site Audit report. And if you want to grow aggressively, right, not slow and steady, but you want to grow aggressively, I want you to spend three hours a day doing research and creating content. Spend a minimum of one hour per day, doing Link Building and Content Promotion. If you create a lot of content, you don’t ever promote it, you’re just not going to get the traffic no matter how good your content is. And then you need to spend at least three hours per week writing emails for your email subscribers and scheduling them.And you can use tools like Hello Bar for that. You can use tools like OptinMonster for them. And you want to spend a minimum of three hours creating and scheduling content for your strongest social media platforms. Right, these platforms that you’re already doing well on, and you want to focus your attention on that. You could spend all your time on all the platforms out there, but we all know there’s not enough time in the day for that. So do you want to know how I spend my time on SEO with the site that’s already established? Well, the way I spend my time is every single week I go onto Ubersuggest and I look for keyword opportunities. So on Ubersuggest I can type in my domain name, neilpatel, and there’s a report that looks at competitive domains and it shows me all the other competing domains. The keywords that I rank on that they also rank for. Then I also look for all the keywords that they rank for, that I don’t rank for. And then I start looking at those keywords and seeing if they’re related enough for me to create content around. And then I start creating content around those pages. And if you also have established website like me, the other big group of time that I spent a lot of energy on is I go onto Google search console. And I look for all the pages that are getting less traffic quarter over quarter, year over year. And if I can see trends of pages declining in traffic, I look for the keywords that are actually declining related to those pages. The next thing that I spend time on is I make sure that my site is buttoned up from on-page SEO perspective. It doesn’t matter how much content creation that you have, or how much Link Building generation that you’re doing. If Google can’t crawl your website, you’re screwed. So I just make sure that my site’s buttoned up. And if you create a project in Ubersuggest, it’ll automatically run a weekly site audit and tell you when there’s new errors that you need to fix and it shows them to you. So just fix those in priority because the ones that Ubersuggest presents first are the ones that you should fix first. Because they’ll have the biggest impact in growing your traffic. And the last thing that I spend my time on when it comes to SEO, believe it or not, is collecting tons and tons of email. I found that if I build a brand, they call it the rule of seven in marketing. When someone sees or interacts with your brand seven times, they’re much more likely to evangelize it, buy your product, tell other people about it. So by collecting emails, putting out more lead magnets, maybe blocking off part of my blog posts and say, put in your email to read the rest, by putting off free tools that allow me to collect emails and then sending out email blast.Now, one thing that my team spends a lot of time on that I don’t, but this has helped my rankings is my team goes and updates a lot of my old content. And they just make sure it’s fresh and up-to-date, and still relevant. And by doing that, we continue to maintain and grow on our SEO traffic. And that’s how established website should continually spend their time. You can also add in a lot of other tasks, but that’s where we spend the majority of our time to maintain and grow our traffic If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram:


The ONLY Features You Need to Use in SEO Tools [Video]

Are you getting overwhelmed with your SEO reports and all the tools? There are so many out there. Well, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Today, I’m going to break down the only features you need to use in SEO tools.Don’t get bogged down by reports and features and tools. That do very little to actually get you more rankings. I’m going to break down four main features and reports that you need to rank higher. And here’s best of all, you can do pretty much all of this in Ubersuggest. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest: can find it in, or just go to And you can do literally most of this stuff for free in Ubersuggest. That’s what’s great. So in that sense, we’ll go down the four main features you need to use and how you can do it for free. So, let’s dive right in. Number one, Rank Tracking, Look, on Google, if you don’t know what your rankings are, if they’re going up or if they’re going down, or how things are improving or declining, how are you going to improve? Those things are really important, right? Be here’s the thing with SEO, it’s a long game.And Rank Tracking shows you that, and it can track your rankings on a daily basis and a weekly basis, whatever you prefer. And you can even track your rankings on mobile devices and desktop. You can do the all in Ubersuggest for free. And what’s cool about that is that way you can see how you’re performing on different device types. And it tells you when you’re doing SEO, what’s working and what isn’t. The second thing that you need to look at with these SEO tools is Competitive Analysis. Competitive Analysis tells you what your competitors are doing and what’s working for them. Look, you don’t want to recreate the wheel. You want to do what’s working for others, and just do it better. Why start from scratch?And what’s cool is, you can see the keywords by clicking on the Keywords button and you’ll see all the keywords that that page ranked for. And that’ll tell you, hey, should I also create a page that’s very similar. Well, if I do, now I know what keywords to go after because it’s related to my business and it can also drive me sales. And another cool feature is you can also see all the backlinks that are driven to that page. All the other sites that are link into your competitor’s page. Because here’s the thing, if someone wants to link to your competitor, they’re probably willing to link to you too. So now, you got a list of links going to your competitors. So, you can create a better page than that’s more thorough, go after all their keywords, and you can also hit up all the people linking to them and ask them to link to you too. The other cool thing that I like about the Competitive Analysis report on Ubersuggest, you can see how much traffic your competitors getting. If they’re getting more traffic month over month or less traffic month over month, because Google is doing so many updates.The third report that you need to look at and feature within these SEO tools is Keyword Ideas. Now, the Keyword Ideas report in Ubersuggest gives you all these ideas that you can go after. So, you want to go after popular keywords. And what’s cool about the Ubersuggest Keyword Ideas report, you can actually filter it by some any region, such as United States or Canada, or UK, or India, or Brazil, or even South Korea. And within the Keyword Ideas report in Ubersuggest, there’s also a Content Ideas report. What that’ll show you all the content that you can write about that are related to those keywords. So, you can see what’s popular on Facebook, what’s popular on Pinterest, what’s popular from the backlinks perspective, and what’s even popular from an organic SEO perspective. The last factor, and this is number four, is Backlinks. If you don’t get people linking to you, you’re not going to do well. Backlinks are like votes. So, you want to get ideally bigger sites linking to you and more relevant sites. And you can use the Backlinks report within Ubersuggest. And what’s cool is they have a Backlink Opportunity report more specifically, where you can put in your URL and then your competitor URLs. And it’ll show you all the people that linked to your competitors, but don’t link to you. Because if someone links to not just one but two, three, four of your competitors and they don’t link to you, the chances are they don’t mind linking to other people in your space because they’re already linked to lots of your competitors. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


The Quickest Way to Create Popular Web Pages (And Get Tons of Traffic) [Video]

How To Build Pages That Rank #1 On Google Consistently | SEO Tips: to Find All the Keywords That Your Competitors Rank For (But That You Don’t): the first thing I want you to do is head on over to Ubersuggest, you need to go to or Then what I want you to do is type in one of your competitor’s domains. If you don’t know a competitor, or who your competitor maybe, just think about what industry you’re in. And what do I want to do is break down, all right, how do I go out there and create really popular web pages really fast? Well, whenever you put in a competitor domain name into Ubersuggest, it tells you the roughly monthly traffic and their authority. And then I want you to click on Top Pages by Traffic. This breaks down, I got to put in Moz, not This breaks down the most popular web pages on their website. As you can see here, the beginner’s guide to SEO, what is SEO? Free tools, this is really cool. I can create a page on free tools, even if I don’t have free tools myself, what I could do I can link to other people’s tools in my space, maybe add affiliate links. Like, as you can see here, this isn’t really a big competing, or this isn’t really like a text-based heavy webpage. It’s just a page on free tools. And when I click here under View All, it’ll show me all the keywords they use to get that traffic. I can export it as well. So, I can just have that list. And now I know, all right, I should go and create an article on free SEO tools. And if I do that, I can actually point them to Ubersuggest, because there’s a free version of it. Like, you know, you don’t have to pay for it and then go from there. And I probably can generate more traffic. So, I can create articles based on, or web pages, based on what’s working for them. They have a free keyword tool. They have a guide to online ad types. I think that would be really useful and it probably doesn’t need to be as text rich, maybe there’s is, but I can create an article or infographic that just talk about the ad types, it’s a lot more images than texts, And I can tell people in there, hey, if you need help with your ad types, check out my ad agency, NP Digital. Now what’s cool about this report, and Uber sets the Top Pages by Traffic, anytime you put it in a quote unquote competitor domain name. You can see all the keywords that page ranks for. So, not only do you want to view the page, like I clicked to go view the page, I’m also here at the WordStream one. I can see all the keywords that they’re including to get that traffic from Google. And that gives me ideas on what keywords I need to include within my content. And you can just keep doing that and go next, next, next. And you can see all the keywords that they’re leveraging, which will help you not just create blog posts, but also web pages. So that way, you know what to focus on because you can see here, not all the popular pages on a site are blog posts, like this, one’s a blog, this one’s a blog, this one’s a blog and it keeps going. And if your business is not based in the United States, don’t worry. You can click on India for a competitor or Great Britain, and you could see who their most popular page is within that region and go through that formula all over again and replicate it. This strategy is super, super effective. I give this to my teams and that way, when we look at our competitors and we’re analyzing them, we focus on creating webpages that are superpopular on our competition versus just creating whatever we want. So then that way we are creating pages that generate traffic first and fast, because we already know that they work super well. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing