
Find an Executive Position in a Recession – Executive Coaching [Video]

Do you want to find an executive position in a recession? Want to get promoted to the executive level, even if there’s a downturn in the economy? Achieve your most meaningful goals through executive coaching with Dr. Grace Lee. Apply here: times if economic uncertainty or recession, companies tend to be more cautious with hiring and spending, because they want to ensure they can survive the storms that may be ahead and still be sustainable. Hence, you will find a few to zero new job postings especially at the executive level.Contrary to the title, Dr. Grace talks NOT about finding an executive position but instead of creating ALIGNMENT for you to achieve it whether during the recession or otherwise. Learn what creating alignment means and apply it in your strategy for career development. The advice in this video works for either in your current company or another one you’re targeting. Share this video to someone looking for an opportunity!–As a communications and executive coach, Dr. Grace has been training people in all aspects of communication and career growth. Want to learn more from Dr. Grace? Follow these steps:👇 SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇💯 FOLLOW DR. GRACE LEE 💯Instagram:–★☆ CHECK OUT THESE RELATED VIDEOS ★☆5 Little-Known Executive Job Interview Tips Career Growth Strategy in a Recession to Stay Calm and Maintain Your Composure (Even If You’re Freaking Out Inside!)—–This video is about Find an Executive Position in a Recession – Executive Coaching #recessionproof #careeradvice