
The Easiest Way To Build Backlinks [Video]

The Easiest Way To Build Backlinks. Look, backlinks don’t have to be hard to build. Everyone says, “Write amazing content you’re going to get links.” You know what? If you write the content, don’t promote it. No one’s going to see it. No one’s going to link to it. Even if you promote it, it’s still hard to get links. People used to be willing to link way more back in the day than they are now. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________CodeCanyon:, one way that a lot of people will build links, and this isn’t my favorite way but I’m going to actually mention two ways. I’m going to break down the second easiest way and then I’m going to break down the easiest way. The second easiest way to build links is using the backlink opportunity report in Ubersuggest. So when you go to Ubersuggest, you put in your domain name, and you put in three of your competitors, it’ll show you everyone who links to your competitors but does not link to you. Think of it this way, “If someone links to one of your competitors will they link to you?” Maybe. They may like your competition, not you. Look, if someone is willing to link to not one, not two, but three of your competitors. The chances are they’ll link to you because they’re not loyal to any competitors. So, with the backlink opportunity report issues you the exact pages, people are linking to your competitors, and if someone’s linking to three of your competitors, and you see the exact pages you would just want to create a better version of those pages, email them, chances are they’ll be willing to swap out the link. Not everyone will, but a good chance. Now, that’s not the easiest way I’ve built links but that is my second favorite way. Now my favorite way of building links. All right. Have you ever seen That’s a tool. It’s a tool on SEO, and it helps you get more traffic. It’s a free tool. There’s also a paid version but you can do a lot of stuff for free. Well, a lot of my competitors charge for you can do for free. So here’s what’s cool about it. If you release enough stuff for free in a tool that people are used to paying for, whether it’s $5, or $10, or a hundred dollars, people link to that. Why? Because it’s easy. People love linking to stuff that’s easy and cheap, right? Or free. Why would you pay $5 when you can pay zero? So if it’s easy for them they don’t have to swipe a credit card, they don’t have to pay, There’s no user registration, They’re much more likely to link to it. that Ubersuggest tool has over 10,000 backlinks. So how do you build a tool if you don’t have tons of money? Well, you can use sites like CodeCanyon, and at CodeCanyon, you can find tools on almost every industry. Pay maybe $10, $20, $30, white label it, pop it on your website, over time it helps you build links. Even if you suck at promoting it, believe it or not, I learned that one the hard way. That’s why I love tools so much. Or you can just go Google for like free, you know, SEO tool. Free white label, you know, real estate tool, and then just pop them on your website. And then over time, it’ll start generating you backlinks. That’s how you build links in the easiest way. It’s a long term approach, works super well. I don’t recommend that you stop writing content or stop doing any of the other link building approaches but you should just pop up the tool on your website, and just give it time and you’ll build links plus do what you’re already doing, and that everyone else is talking about. When you combine both of them, that’s how you start beating your competition when it comes to building backlinks and out ranking them. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing


Finding The Easiest Opportunities for Link Building In Less Than 3 Minutes [Video]

There’s a new, simple way to find backlinks, and I’m going to teach it to you in less than five minutes. Today, I’m going to break down how to find the easiest opportunities for link building in less than three minutes.RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________Ubersuggest:, out of curiosity, how many of you use Ubersuggest? Let me know in the comments below. There’s this new report on Ubersuggest that makes backlinking super easy and it’s called backlink opportunities. So if you go to Ubersuggest and you type in your URL, on the left-hand navigation, you can click on backlinks then go to backlink opportunities. And what this report does is it shows you all the people who link to your competitors that don’t link to you. So you would want to put in your URL, and put in up to three of your competitors. If you don’t know who your competitors are, Google for any of the terms that you rank for, and you’ll see your competitors, and add those URLs to the Ubersuggest backlink opportunity report. If that doesn’t work for you, in Ubersuggest there’s a competitor’s report. Put in your URL and it’ll show you all the other people who rank for similar keywords to you or the same exact keywords to you. Those are also competitors, and you can use that to put ’em into backlink opportunities. So in the backlink opportunities report, this shows you who links to your competitors that doesn’t link to you. If someone links to three, four, or five of your competitors, the chances are they’re willing to link to you, too. They don’t have any bias towards one of your competitors, they link to multiple of ’em, so they like ’em all. And if they like ’em all and you hit them up and ask for a link, the chances are they’ll link to you, as well. That’s why I love this report. Now you can’t just hit ’em up and be like, hey, you linked to four or five of my competitors, link to me as well. People are going to ignore you. But look at why they’re linking to your competitors, because that backlink opportunities report will show you the exact page you’re linking to. And if you see the type of content they’re linking to, go and create better content than that. Write that. Seriously, make it better than your competitor, make it more in-depth, make sure it solves all problems, have step-by-step instructions, maybe animated GIFs helping you explain them, maybe infographics even, maybe even add in some videos, and assuming the experience is better and you’re just not creating long content for the sake of it, you can hit that site up and show ’em how your content is better than the competition, explain to them how it’s going to benefit their readers more, and ask them for a backlink. And the chances are, they’ll be willing to link to you, assuming your content’s better. That’s it, that’s all you need to do. And if you do that at scale and you do that within your niche, you’ll generate more backlinks than your competition. If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.Find me on Facebook: Instagram: #SearchEngineOptimization #LinkBuilding