
Introducing airSlate Document Workflow Automation [Video]

Create and automate paper-based workflows with airSlate — a no-code workflow automation solution. Set up role-based routing, send notifications to fill out and sign documents, and automatically transfer collected data to your system of record. Learn more at🔵 Partner with the most powerful business automation platform to delight your customers:🔵 Find everything you need to know about the latest business automation trends:🔵 Follow us on our socials to stay up to date:


Automate Every Step of Your Contract Management [Video]

Create and negotiate contracts, get them eSigned, and collect payments with airSlate Contract Management. Set up document workflows on a single, no-code platform to close deals faster.Learn more at🔵 Partner with the most powerful business automation platform to delight your customers:🔵 Find everything you need to know about the latest business automation trends:🔵 Follow us on our socials to stay up to date:


In-House Business Automation | Business Ninjas: WriteForMe and BigFork Technologies [Video]

Join our resident Business Ninja Kelsey, with guest speaker Tanya Avila of BigFork Technologies, as they talk about how a legal tech software company grew to become and provide general project management as they developed their own Legal Operations Software called ALOE, which was built by business and technology experts, making them leaders in workflow automation. How to Automate Your Small Business // Discover how to strategically automate your online business so you can be more efficient – because it IS possible to have a small business that runs without you, and a life outside of it. In this video I talk about what an in house lawyer does and the pros and cons of going in house. Learn more about BigFork Technologies at —–Do you want to be interviewed for your business? Schedule time with us, and we’ll create a podcast like this for your business:—–